So a couple of weeks ago I spent the night at one of the most amazing sister's house, you can visit her blog Here. As soon as she opened up her door, I could feel the warmth, the love, and the spirit of God in her house. She has such an amazing relationship with God that it is evident as soon as you meet her.
I will never forget that night but there are a few things that I took away from being there, one being the purpose of this post.
Everything in her home had a purpose or a meaning. She had all these stories behind each work of art, each furniture piece, it really made her home her own. I find this so true, one may have the most beautifully decorated house, but if it's so cookie cutter, anyone could live there. I want people to see my personality in my home.
In a little picture frame sitting in her living room was her Dream List. A list of all the things she wanted to do, things that made her smile or brought delight to her heart. She told me about all the things she put on her list and how she has almost done everything on her list, and so she just keeps adding because, well, quite frankly, we shouldn't stop dreaming.
She encouraged me to compile my own dream list. She said she thought of things that she wanted to do when she was little that she had almost forgotten about but really wanted to do. Her one piece of advice, that I LOVE was this:
"Make your dream list something only YOU can do. Many people have things such as "I want to be married with 5 kids in 10 years" but that requires another person, and you aren't in control of that. Make sure you pray and ask God to lead you to what your first dream should be."
Well here it is folks. Here are my hearts desires...
Have a Wonderland Room
Go to Monte Carlo
Buy a car for someone in need
"You get a car! You get a car! You get a car!"
Open up my cupcake shop/boutique
(I've had the idea since high school...before cupcake became cool. lol)
Have a quiet time at Regents Park in London, my favorite place in the World.
Go to a movie alone
Go to Dubai
Make a mini movie of my testimony
Go to a fashion show in Paris during Paris Fashion Week (that would be me sitting next to Anna Wintour)
Get a portrait painted of myself
Study the Bible with someone who is "Quiverfull"
Learn Farsi
Learn Krav Maga
Become a Master of Fondant
Go to Japan and get 2 suitcases full of Hello Kitty things aka Life Time Supply
(Of course some would be gifts... lol)
What are some of your dreams?